Wednesday, 29 December 2021

December 2021 | Monthly Wrap Up

December, you have been stressful. 

Favourite part?

I started off the month well by taking part in Remake’s last Community Call of the year, as one of many ambassdors sharing our experiences campaigning for a fairer fashion industry this year. Later that week I attended Remake’s press conference launching their 2021 Accountability Report to the world! It was my first ever press conference and I learned a lot listening to Becca Coughlan, Ayesha Barenblat, and Elizabeth Cline discuss the report and what went into making it. The findings of the report will be featured I many of the articles I write for Remake in the future! 


December was also a time to celebrate friends’ birthdays, with karaoke and a British Icons themed party back to back. 


I was also part of another Green New Deal Rising challenge team this month. This time we went to speak to Tim Farron in Newcastle. Our conversation was encouraging, with Tim saying he was 90 per cent sure he would support the GND bill, however we are yet to hear confirmation of his support.


I continued the Green New Deal theme with a talk on the topic with Newcastle Feminist Society. I really enjoyed giving the talk and discussing climate justice issues with the group of attendees – I’m so looking forward to running more climate events next year! 


In the middle of doing lots of life admin and work for my uni deadlines, I managed to get my booster vaccine. Despite much stress and hand sanitiser, I ended up testing positive for Covid on Christmas morning (great timing, I know). So I’ve been masked up ever since Christmas, staying 2 metres away from my family wherever possible, with all windows and doors open and lots more hand sanitiser. Just your average Christmas!

Best read?

After being recommended it by friends, I read I’m Afraid of Men by Vivek Sharma which is incredible. Vivek discusses her relationship with men throughout her life, both romantically and elsewhere in her life, particularly in men’s behaviour to her as a brown trans woman. It is brilliant and I highly recommend reading this book with a friend to discuss (or have it as part of a book club!) – it’s one that needs discussion afterwards I think. 


I then finished reading The Novel and the Police by D. A. Miller for my degree. I have lots of thoughts although I’m not sure if this is the right place for them, I also need to figure them out a bit more before I write on them. 


I read Angela Davis’ Freedom is a Constant Struggle, which is a short but impactful read. It’s a collection of essays, interviews and speeches by Angela Davis on the interlinking topics of Palestine, Ferguson, prison abolition, feminism, and more. She explains things so concisely and accessibly it is a joy to read Davis’ writing. I can’t wait to read more of her work. 


I then read Olive by Emma Gannon, which I absolutely adored. Check out my upcoming Best Fiction Books of 2021 post for more of my thoughts on this book. But yes, I could go on about it for days. Read it.  


I’m currently in the middle of reading Aurora Floyd by Mary Elizabeth Braddon and How to be an Anti-Capitalist in the Twenty-First Century by Erik Olin Wright

Favourite listen?

I’ve not been listening to many podcasts in December which is slightly odd for me I think. Instead, I’ve had about three albums on repeat. Those albums have been Between Us by Little Mix, Red (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift, and 30 by Adele. My gals have had me covered! 

Favourite watch?

I finished watching New Girl, and ten got fully into the swing of crappy Christmas romcoms. I’ve practically watched every one available on Netflix. I watched Dash and Lily, The Holidate, Last Christmas, The Castle at Christmas, The Princess Switch films, The Christmas Prince films, Noelle, among others I’m sure. 


I also watched the BBC 3 dating and dancing show I Like the Way You Move. I got through the series really quickly and I’m looking forward to the net series! 


Outside of the Christmas film extravaganza, I also watched Ophelia, a retelling of Hamlet from the point of view of the character the film is named after. I knew the story of Hamlet before but had never actually seen it before, and now after watching this film I want to see a staging of Hamlet. It was a nice chill watch when I was quite tired and needed some characters to get attached to. 


Obviously on Christmas Day and the days surrounding, I watched all the Christmas specials under the sun. That’s what this time of year is for!


I also rewatched the final season of my old favourite, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. The point in the show is so comforting and I absolutely adore. 


The day before this is pubished, I finished watching A Very British Scandal, which I thought was very well put together and certainly as a lot to say on the prevalence of the sexual double standard and the stigma around female pleasure.  

Image source

What did I learn?

Oof, I’m not sure. Some coincidences in life are actually hilarious. I need to make my schedule more sustainable so I don’t burn out. The usual I guess?

What’s happening next month?

First of all, I’ll be coming out of isolation and trying to make sure I rest after Covid. I’ve also got two university deadlines in January and the beginning of February so those and resting are my priorities. And to be honest, apart from those I’m not sure exactly what else will be happening. I should be celebrating a few friends’ birthdays as well as my friends’ engagement, but we’re awaiting news of potential restrictions in January. The suspense of restrictions leaves what work I’ll be doing and events I’ll be going to in the New Year hanging in the balance, as with everyone else in England. 


What’s been on my mind?

Trying to find time for rest and sleep, getting everything done I need to before I went to visit my family for Christmas, and Covid stress. A lot of Covid stress. 


Favourite post?

10 Organisations to Donate to This Holiday Season! I loved highlighting some organisations whose work I am so in awe of and believe in. Please consider donating to them outside of the holiday period, regular donations and all year round donations help so much.


Biggest inspiration?

Putting together an Instagram reel of 2021 highlights was actually really (or should I say reel-y?) comforting to me. It’s so easy to be so pessimistic when looking back on the past couple of years and think every second has been shitty, and don’t get me wrong there has been plenty of shittiness, but there has also been a heck of a lot of good bits in there too, and a lot of hope.  


Any other favourites?


Do leftover roast potatoes count? 

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If you liked this post you might like: November 2021 | Monthly Wrap Up

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