How to Keep the Spirit of International Women's Day Alive All Year

Wednesday 14 March 2018

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The International Women’s Day posts still haven’t quite left our Instagram feeds, backed up by those from Mothers’ Day, so for the time being we’re still left with the smiling images of empowered women. But what do these posts of women that we love and look up to really do anything other than reassure us? And what’s the point in International Women’s Day if we don’t all act in a feminist manner in our day-to-day lives? This is why we need to encourage the women and girls who posted images and yet still slut-shame, belittle and pull down other women to re-evaluate their behaviour in the spirit of what they say on 9th March. Because feminism is for life, not just for Christmas International Women’s Day.

1. Think again about how you treat women in your life

Are you one of the women I mentioned earlier who celebrated International Women’s Day but still pit women against each other, slut shame, and just generally don’t act in a feminist way most of the time? Re-evaluate your behaviour and make amends in different ways.

2. Support women’s charities

We may have all had our faith in the charity sector shattered somewhat lately, but there are so many organisations out there doing some amazing work that need our help and attention. Women’s Aid help women dealing with domestic violence and abuse. CARE International help refugee women and women globally as well as in the UK. The Cup Effect and The Bloody Good Period aim to eradicate period poverty through the distribution of free menstrual products,

3. Keep politically active

Make sure you know what’s going on around you and the ever-changing situation you’re a part of. We need to hold our politicians to account, those we agree with as well as those we disagree with. The potential for equality to slip is a high one – it is so easily done, just look at what has happened with Trump in America. Sign petitions, attend marches, write to your MP and other people in power, join campaigns that stick with you.

For a place to start, send my template letter on the need for free menstrual products to be available for all in order to stop period poverty. You can find it here. If you have any problems with it, please let me know – I want to be as inclusive as possible.

4. Don’t stop discussing women’s achievements and let the younger generations know

Books like Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls, Girls Are Best and biographies of famous women for children, help us educate children, and to show young girls the amazing things their predecessors have achieved. By empowering the younger generations, we build a better future for them. If they see people like them achieving things – being activists and prominent members of society – they will be able to fill their shoes and more later on. Make the children feminists to achieve a feminist world.

5. Challenge the injustices you see

Speak up (if you are in a safe position to do so) and challenge examples of sexism that you see. You may not change the perpetrators mind, but you may influence the way the audience to that act think and act in the future.

6. Listen

This is so important. Sometimes the right thing to do is to remain quiet, to take in the experiences of others, those who have less privilege than you, and to let their voice be heard. Learn more about the real situation of those around you and lift up their voices and stories so that they come to the forefront of discussions.

What did you do for International Women’s Day?

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February 2018 | Monthly Wrap Up

Wednesday 7 March 2018

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How is it March? How?! Surely it’s still November!

Favourite part?

I’m not going to lie; I’ve felt a little bit all over the place in February. I briefly saw my grandparents and saw my brother in his school production of Made in Dagenham (he was great!) alongside trying to cram in revision for mocks.

It was one of my best friends’ birthdays, which also happened to coincide with Pancake Day, so we had a great day eating lots of yummy vegan food. Soy nuggets, garlic bread and pancakes? Yes, please!
I also saw The Shadow Factory in Southampton. I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t as feminist as I’d been lead to think it would be.

And how could I forget to mention the snow? The snow! Admittedly, it did happen more into March, but I’m not going to ignore some of the snow we had in February. It looked so pretty!

Best read?

At the beginning of the month I finished reading His Bloody Project by Graeme Macrae Burnett. This book is amazing. It’s so interesting and its take on narrative voice and perspective is so good. I am recommending this to everyone - it’s so good!

I then read Paris by Julian Green after I was recommended it by someone at work after I said that I’m planning on going to Paris this summer. Green became one of my favourite writers almost as soon as I read the first page. His style is so poetic and beautiful; I fell in love instantly. I am going to buy my own copy of it soon, so that I can highlight all the quotes I copied down as I was reading it the first time. I would also recommend this for anyone learning French. The copy I read had the original French and the English translation on opposing pages, so you could compare each as you went.

I then read Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote. I’ve had this on my shelf for a while, since I love In Cold Blood so much. I really enjoyed this (along with the accompanying short stories) and found the main character of Holly fascinating even if the story seemed a little all over the place.

I also read A Streetcar Named Desire and The Great Gatsby again, as revision for my English course. I’ll be reading these a lot over the next 5 months or so, so I think I’ll probably leave them out of these wrap ups in future. Just know they’ll always be in the background along with The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood – which I’m currently rereading again for the same reason.

In half term, I read I Call Myself A Feminist, a collection of essays put together by Victoria Pepe, Rachel Holmes, Amy Annette, Martha Mosse and Alice Stride. They were so easy to read and covered a wide variety of topics and issues from a wide variety of people. Loved it!

I read Death Comes to Pemberley by P. D. James as a kind of comfort read whilst I was on my period. Elizabeth and Darcy never fail to make me just a little bit happier.

During the end of the month I read All That She Can See by Carrie Hope Fletcher. I have to say that I think Carrie is a much better non-fiction writer than fiction writer, but this was still an enjoyable easy read, so I can’t knock it for that.

I’m currently reading Eat My Heart Out by Zoe Pilger and have a large and ever-growing pile of books by my bed which I need to work through. Bring on March I say!

Favourite tunes?

The highlights from this month have to be: La La Land, Rumours by Fleetwood Mac (an all-time favourite of mine) and basically anything else by Stevie Nicks. She is an actual goddess.

Favourite watch?

I’ve watched a lot this month.

Series wise, I’ve watched (and loved) Lovesick and Girlboss. The first one, I am desperate for another season of and the latter I’m glad they’ve kept to just one. I loved the character development and humour of Lovesick – I feel like the characters are actually quite realistic (most of the time anyway, sometimes wonder at their being able to afford such nice houses and the fact that they have been living in the same house for over a decade from the time they were students, but hey!). I felt similarly about Girlboss. I went from really disliking Sophia to vaguely liking her and sympathizing with her. I’m proud of her story arch.


I’ve also rewatched Brooklyn 99 (what a classic) as well as finishing my rewatch of Friends and seeing Get Him to the Greek for the First Time – absolutely hilarious might I add.

Ooh – and how could I forget Black Panther?? So good in so many ways.

What did I learn?

That I can be spontaneous sometimes Really! I think I need to try to be so more often.

What’s happening next month?

I don’t think I really have much going on in March. At the end of the month I’m seeing dodie in concert in Brighton, which I am so excited for!


What’s been on my mind?

Revision revision revision. The usual. I’ve also been thinking about ways that I can have an impact on the causes that I care about (such as period poverty), especially on a more local level to me.

Favourite blogger/vlogger?

I’m not quite sure what to writer here. I’ve not really been reading or watching much this month. Sorry, I don’t have any new recommendations this month.

Favourite post?

Okay, okay. I’m a terrible blogger – quality not quantity, right? I’m writing this post 2 days after it was supposed to be released and only because I’ve got other things done because of the snow days (thank you Beast from the East). Even then I feel horrible for being really unproductive even when I know I shouldn’t – I shouldn’t constantly feel the pressure to be always productive, but that’s a post for another day.

I did have one post up this month though: 5 Ways to Reduce Waste. These are small things that I do to reduce the waste I produce, but I’m doing my best in other ways as well, s if you have any creative ideas please let me know!

Biggest inspiration?

It may be cheesy, but my friends. Okay, you can go and throw up now.

Any other favourites?

Yoga! Yes, I am now that person. I’m the lefty, wanna-be vegan writer who does yoga on a regular basis. I simultaneously love and hate that I am such a stereotype (more love than hate in all honesty!). Seriously though, I do feel a lot better for just 10 minutes every other day and I hope to increase that where possible.

If you liked this post you might like: January 2018 | Monthly Wrap Up

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