January 2018 | Monthly Wrap Up

Wednesday 31 January 2018

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January’s been pretty mad. It’s been buys, it’s been stressful, it’s been full of friends. But mostly stressful.

Favourite part?

January has felt a bit surreal – it’s gone by in a flash without me almost realizing it. I loved seeing my some of my friends in a production of Love & Information they were both amazing!

I’ve had a few quite chill evenings this month – either with my friends or a girly night watching the Crown with my mum. These have been much needed as they’ve helped a lot with stress.

Best read?

I’ve read so much this month. I don’t know what’s happened, I’ve just been on a real book high. Admittedly, they have mostly been quite short but who cares?

First, I read Lydia by Natasha Farrant – a YA reimagining of Lydia Bennet’s stay in Brighton. I love anything to do with Pride and Prejudice and this was a fun way of thinking of the universe, although I’m not sure I agree with the characterization of Lydia.

Then, I finished reading A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin which I had read half of in 2017. I love this series and I’ve got the next instalment lined up for February/March.

I read MAGGIE by John Sergeant as part of my EPQ. It was really interesting and definitely good for anyone who wants to know more about Thatcher and the immediate aftermath of her premiership. I also read Wonder by R. J. Palacio. I can understand why it’s been praised so much and I think it is a great way of promoting acceptance and kindness in young people.

I then read A Little Gay History by R. B. Parkinson, which I’d been meaning to read since I heard the Banging Book Club episode on it. This is an excellent resource and I found out so much! I would recommend everyone give this a read – especially all you history nerds out there.

I then read Of Women by Shami Chakrabarti (Shadow Attorney General) and Women & Power by Mary Beard. Both of these are amazing works of feminist writing and, again, I would highly recommend to everyone and anyone. These women are amazing and I loved reading every word they wrote.

Lastly, I finished reading the Russian Revolution by Alan Moorehead. I am currently reading His Bloody Project by Graham Macrae Burnet and A Vindication of the Rights of Women by Marry Wollstonecraft.

Favourite tunes?

One artist I’ve discovered this month is Carla Bruni. I’ve been playing her songs on repeat along with my chill playlist. It’s really calming and especially good to have during A Levels. I’ve also been listening to a lot more ABBA because of my excitement for the release of Mamma Mia 2!


Favourite watch?

I’ve watched quite a few films this month, including Darkest Hour, Julie & Julia, Penelope and Love, Rosie – all of which I would highly recommend for very different reasons. I also watched the film adaptations of Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park (the one with Billie Piper), so I’ve now seen most film/TV adaptations, although I still want to watch all of them.


Ooh I nearly forgot: the fourth series of Grace and Frankie was released! I loved it as I did the previous series, however, I did have some issues with the difference in the portrayals of the men and women.

What did I learn?

Value my life and what I have more. I know it sounds way too soppy and sentimental but I don’t care, I really want to appreciate everything a bit more.

What’s happening next month?

It’s one of my best friend’s 18th birthday so I’m looking forward to celebrating that with her. I also have mocks which I should be revising for instead of writing this post. I’m also seeing a show - a feminist one so hopefully it'll give me all of the opinions. 

What’s been on my mind?

The summer! Whenever I write this section I feel like I’m repeating myself.

Favourite blogger/vlogger?

I’ve really been loving my friend Amanda’s videos this month – they've are really interesting and it's just great to listen to her speak more often. Carrie Hope Fletcher has been doing a monthly project called Three Cheers for New Years (more commonly known as VEDJ, except acting as a fundraiser) and I will never say no to more Carrie videos.

Favourite post?

I’ve been reasonably productive on my blog in comparison with recent months, as I’ve actually managed to publish one post a week. The stand out post has to be Goalsfor 2018, I just love planning things and looking into the future!

Biggest inspiration?

Again, another one where I feel like I’m repeating myself – the thought of the future, panic at failing exams, wanting to make a difference, but this month I want to include my friends on this list more. My friend Maisie has set up a justgivingpage to raise money for Alopecia UK through a sponsored headshave. This is in honour of our friend Anna – both of them are incredible and it would mean so much to all of us if you could share the link and donate where possible. It’s a truly great cause that helps so many people.

Some more of my friends (there’s a small group of them so I’m not going to list names) are doing a night walk in aid of the Rohingya Crisis. It’s a wonderful cause again that needs to be discussed more and put to an end. Again, anything you are able to give would be really appreciated, but just a share would be amazing.

Any other favourites?

In January, I tried to establish a proper skin routine. I’ve always been quite insecure about my skin; in fact I’d go so far to say that it’s my biggest insecurity. I’ve used a few products from Body Shop’s Vitamin E range (a god send that damages my bank account but I think is worth it so far) along with the Lush facemask ‘Don’t Look at Me’. My skin feels so much healthier and even if it isn’t totally clear, I feel a lot better in myself.

If you liked this post you might like: December 2017 | Monthly Wrap Up

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4 Political Podcasts You Need to Listen To

Monday 22 January 2018

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I love politics (if you couldn’t tell already by the content of this blog and my Twitter), and I also love podcasts. I listen to podcasts a lot, quite a few of which centre around my love for politics, and I know that there are so many people who are looking for podcast recommendations, so here a few I hope you’ll like.

1. What Am Politics?

I love these guys. They’re hilarious. This podcast is essentially two Irish guys (Steve and Richie) chatting about politics. The events and topics they cover vary widely: from North Korea to Immigration to two episodes dedicated to Teddy Roosevelt (which was admittedly more of a History podcast but the funniest episode in my opinion). They have some great guests and I would definitely recommend if you want a laugh and some facts.

2. Reasons to Be Cheerful

This is probably the newest podcast on this list, created a few months ago by Ed Miliband and Geoff Lloyd. I personally love this – the guests they have (available from Ed’s extensive political connections) are incredible – from a 90-year-old woman living in a rent controlled apartment to Jess Phillips MP and Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London. They go into a lot of detail on different ideas and issues. I would just like a more right-leaning equivalent to help balance out the perspectives of what I listen to.

3. The Guilty Feminist

Okay. This is the big one. If you’ve read some of my posts before, you may know that I am a massive fan of the Guilty Feminist. I would love to attend one of their live recordings, but whenever I look they’re either sold out or somewhere abroad. I will go eventually! But seriously, if you haven’t listened to the Guilty Feminist the you need to. Hosted by Deborah Frances-White alongside a hugely diverse range of co-hosts and guests, they always discuss important topics and satirise current events. You are guaranteed to laugh out loud at this podcast.

4. The Guardian Weekly

This podcast is probably a lot more serious than the others that I’ve picked out. There are interesting, reliable guests that often consist of Guardian journalists (such as Polly Toynbee) or people who are involved either directly or critical of politics (such as Brendan Cox, husband of the late Jo Cox). The fact that this is a weekly news podcast makes it easier to keep up with the news with everything else going on in my life. This way, I can listen to the goings on in the world and stay updated in the dead time I have going home from college. I need to look into seeing if there are podcast by other newspapers so I can get more perspectives and not maintain my left-wing bias (which is a theme for all of these podcasts I’m afraid).

What political podcasts do you like? I’m always on the lookout for recommendations so please let me know!

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