Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Sustainable OOTD // When Harry Met Sally Inspired

When Harry Met Sally is one of my favourite films of all time. Many people who know me in real life will know that, and I have also talked about it at various points on this blog and on Twitter. It's a massive favourite in my family, I've seen it too many times to count and can practically quote the entire thing word for word. I also happen to think that it's one of Carrie Fisher's best work. It's a comfort film for me. If I'm feeling fragile and need a bit of a cry, the final scene will normally go no wrong. As I mentioned in a previous post about how finding your personal style can help make your wardrobe more sustainable, Meg Ryan's character of Sally Allbright is one of my style icons. So many of her outfits I adore, and would wear myself. This look is my attempt to embody Sally in my day to day life, and is really a direct copy of one of her outfits in the film. I actually bought this jumper because I was obsessed with the one she was wearing in the film! I will always go back to When Harry Met Sally as long as I am able to watch it, and it will always be, to me, the pinnacle of what romcoms and films as a whole can be.

Turtleneck – secondhand fast fashion bought on Depop nearly 2 years ago.
Skirt – fast fashion, owned for 3.5 years.
Boots – secondhand fast fashion bought on Depop from Rebekah Peters at the beginning of the year, repaired once.
Necklace – new from Women in Hebron, a small cooperative which aims to empower Palestinian women by selling the items they create, including necklaces like these. I found out about them when one of their members came to Newcastle with other Palestinians to give a talk a few months ago, and sold some of their items.
Earrings - new from Shop in Colour.

Photos taken by Jude Crook.

If you liked this post you might like: OOTD // Rachel Green Inspired

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