Wednesday 31 May 2017

May 2017 | Monthly Wrap Up

May came and went. How is it June??

Favourite part?

I went back to Wales for the first weekend of the month, and got to snoop around my favourite bookshop and see some old friends, which was lovely, as always.

I’ve spent a lot of time with friends this month, whether that has been in college playing frisbee in the sun, at a party, or just helping out at a family member’s birthday party. I love you all to pieces.

On the last weekend of May, a group of us went to Common People for the day. It was my first festival and I have to say it was such a good day spent with great people. Definitely going back next year!

Best read?

I’ve read quite a lot this month, admittedly quite a lot of it was college related, but it’s still reading. First, I read Everyday Sexism by Laura Bates, which I would recommend to anyone. If you know anyone who is in doubt about the existence of sexism, send them a link to the hashtag. I also read Honourable Friends? by Caroline Lucas, the current co-leader of the Green Party. I genuinely love everything she and her party stands for and can't wait to see what they do in the future. I then read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley due to the parallels it has with The Wasp Factory, which I am studying for my English A Level coursework, and I have to say, I really enjoyed it so much! Currently, I'm re-reading Darcy's Story by Jane Aylmer as a way to relax and calm me in exam season.

Favourite tunes?

Harry Styles’ new album. Oh my word, it’s so good. It’s a great new sound from him, and in all honesty, he’s the only member of 1D whose new music I actually like. Keep on doing what you’re doing Harold.

Favourite watch?

This is a new section I’ve decided to add as I find that films and TV shows often end up in ‘any other favourites?’ and that, seeing as I watch a fair bit of TV and a few film, that I would give it its own chance at the spotlight.

This month, I’ve continued watching Downton Abbey again, which seems to have become a ‘run up to exams’ tradition. Do I have to tell you how much I love this show? I’ve also started watching Sex and the City, and am now onto the second season. It’s just a chill watch, to be honest and I have to say I love it (although I have seen the film so I know what happens to the characters in the end).

Ooh! And my La La Land DVD arrived 2 days before its release date, so I spent the latter part of a Sunday which had been quite stressful, watching Mia and Seb sing and dance and fall in love. My advice to anyone: watch one of your favourite films when you’re stressed.

What did I learn?

That I just need to relax when it comes to exams. I also realised how bad my diet was. I need to be a bit healthier. 

Not to go in the middle of a crowd during a headline act at a festival. I panic and it’s not good. It’s fine to dance at the back with your friends with plenty of space.

And terrorists will stop at nothing, remaining as cold and callous as ever when children become their targets.

What’s happening next month?

My last 3 exams in the space of 3 days. That’s going to be fun. My final D of E expedition, starting my second year at college, a whole load of stuff. It’s good to be busy, right?

What’s been on my mind?

Exams. I had my first one this month and have been in full revision mode for most of the month. Then also the stress that comes along with that and trying to give myself a break and doing well in my exams at the same time.

Favourite blogger/vlogger?

I’m not too sure on this. I have to admit I haven’t been reading so many blogs/watching so many vlogs this month, mostly because of the revision I’ve been doing for upcoming (and already completed) exams. I’ll tell you something I have been loving though: the amount of political discussion I’ve seen between bloggers online. It makes my heart swell with happiness, we just need to bring more of that into the real world, as I feel we may be preaching to the choir a little bit.

Favourite post?

My most popular post had by far been 5 Things to do in Pembrokeshire, which I wasn’t expecting. Personally, my favourites were The New Songs of Beauty and the Beast and My Experience With Classics AS, as they both gave me chance to reflect and discuss my thoughts on things I either love or find really interesting.

Biggest inspiration?

Mostly the fear of failing my exams. Ooh, the sense of inadequacy that haunts us all.

Any other favourites?

Greek yoghurt, granola and fruit compote/raspberries. Ask anyone I know, I’m obsessed.

If you liked this post you might like: April 2017 | Monthly Wrap Up

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