Wednesday 26 April 2017

Can Men Be Feminists?

So, can men be feminists?

The short answer: yes, yes they can.

Before going any further, let’s remind ourselves of the definition of feminism:

To me, this seems to be a universal campaign.

A lot of the time, and in my experience, the prefix of ‘fem’ in the word feminism is enough to put off many men. They can feel threatened and excluded by the feminist movement, all over one syllable. But the fact is that the ‘fem’ in feminism wasn’t deliberately put there to scare away the men (Shock horror!!!!), but is in fact there to highlight the main focus of the movement: to protect and promote women’s rights – all women, everywhere. It is the feminine traits that are looked down upon by society, in both men and women, so the nomenclature of the movement highlights that. Men shouldn’t feel excluded because of its presence there.

The feminist movement is about the promotion of women’s rights and place in society, so that equality can finally become a reality. And the role of men as the more privileged members of society is important as their voices can be used to get those who may have ignored a woman’s voice to listen. But whilst men’s voices are useful to further the feminist cause, they should not become the cause, if you get what I’m saying?

It is important that the members of society who have more power get behind the feminist movement, but as they are the ones with more privilege, their voices should not take priority over the ones whose voices are already behind swept aside.

But men can be feminists. In all senses of the word.

They can fight for equality, call others out on their misogyny and call themselves a feminist. Just so long as they don’t take attention away from the people who they’re fighting for.

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