Monday, 27 February 2017

February 2017 | Monthly Wrap Up

February has been very good to me the past few years.

Favourite part?

I’ve made so many good memories in February, honestly.

At the beginning of the month, a large group of my friends and I went to see the Billy Elliot Musical on its UK tour. It was incredible. We all cried and laughed and I think it’s up in my favourite musicals!

A week later, on Valentine’s Day, we went out again (with few more people) and practically took over a section of a Nando’s. After eating, we went to a nearby light show to celebrate the completion of a new part of our local shopping centre.

Then it was half term! And I needed it so much - if only to let my mental state improve and for me to relax. I spent the first weekend barely doing anything, then have been able to be productive at my own pace the rest of the week. In fact, the Monday was spent café hopping, writing blog posts and doing Politics revision. On Wednesday, my mum and I went up to London to attend a Foyles event on getting published with two women leading the Mantle imprint of PanMacmillan publishing. It was a lovely day spent mooching around Covent Garden and listening to professionals talk about topics I love.

On Thursday, my friends Anna and Nicola and I met up for a creative coffee date (though I like calling it a meeting because, you know, it sounds professional and all that jazz) to discuss a project we have in the works which I will be discussing on here probably later this month. Exciting stuff!

Friday was a day spent working in a café again, although this time I was accompanied by my friend Alex. We worked for a while then went out for a very tasty lunch at Bella Italia! That evening, two of my friends and I had a movie night and I was introduced to the amazing film that is Pride. Definitely go and watch it if you haven’t already!

February has definitely been the month of friends for me, and I am so grateful for every single one of them.

Best read?

This month I’ve read Emotions of a Book by Guido Parisi after I was sent a copy by the lovely people at Troubador Publishing, and a review of which will be on the way soon. Obviously, there is the standard Odyssey and The Handmaid’s Tale for my A Levels. I also started reading the Mabinogion, a collection of Welsh myths and fairytales.

Favourite tunes?

This was the month I finally cracked out the La La Land soundtrack, and oh – my – god. It’s so good and I love it so much. The score is incredible and it’s now one of my staple go-to choices. I was waiting until after I’d seen the film to listen to the soundtrack properly, but I couldn't wait and I hadn't had the chance to see the film until yesterday and I loved it so much and cried until my eyes were sore and my face was all puffy. I just loved it. I may have to go into a bit more detail about that at some point...


Also, Rumours (Fleetwood Mac) and All the Little Lights (Passenger) have returned as major favourites (when were they not, let’s be honest here) and I’ve fallen in love with them both all over again.

What did I learn?

Just how much I love my friends. (Please never leave me.) Also the extent of how introverted I am! I spent a hell of a lot of time with people and, while I enjoyed it and loved spending time with them, I was drained and had a minor breakdown. I need my time alone people.

What’s happening next month?

A few things. I have a D of E practice expedition, a trip up to London with my college and possibly a few mocks. Let’s not forget St. David’s Day!


What’s been on my mind?

Trump, May, politics in general. It’s pretty stressful right now.

Favourite blogger/vlogger?

I’ve been a bit obsessed with Crash Course and Ted Talks this month. I’ve loved learning so much new stuff that I wouldn’t have got from state education and I can tell you something: it’s addictive. I love learning and gaining new perspectives on things. I would definitely recommend YouTube as a method of discovery and learning.


Favourite post?

I’ve honestly been feeling so happy with my content lately, and I’ve got lots more posts planned actually quite far in advance (yay me!). I’ve loved writing more political posts (for example, my two on Trump this month) and my collab with the wonderful Ashleigh on our experiences with different subjects.

Biggest inspiration?

The talent of my friends. They’re all doing such incredible things and that pushes me to want to do well and create. Also my desire to help other people, which has been enhanced due to reasons that I think I’ve already mentioned.

Any other favourites?

Can I mention This Is Us again? You get the message of how great it is? Okay.

If you liked this post you might like: January 2017 | Monthly Wrap Up

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