Monday 30 January 2017

January 2017 | Monthly Wrap Up

Whilst January has been its normal struggle, it hasn’t actually been all that bad.

Favourite part?

I’ve spent a lot of time with friends this month, and I love them all so much. They make me feel so comfortable and appreciated! At the beginning of the month (literally the year) was spent with friends and I remember being so happy when the countdown into the New Year’s finished. A few days after that, some family came round and it was lovely seeing them after a long time.

This month my friend Anna starred in a local Youth Theatre production of the play Consensual and she was great! I thoroughly enjoyed the play and found it very thought provoking, so would definitely recommend to any of you.

I also started volunteering at my local library as part of my Silver D of E Award and I’m really enjoying it so far!

Best read?

This month, I read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I thought it was very interesting and definitely engaging, although I don’t think I liked any of the characters, which was kind of weird! I also started reading Emotions of a Book by Guido Parisi,

Favourite tunes?

It seems like I’ve been singing the Singin’ in the Rain soundtrack constantly this month, but maybe that’s because I have been…

What did I learn?

That I can do A levels. Kind of. I can at least do decently in mocks.

What’s happening next month?

February is looking quite good so far! My friends and I are going to see Billy Elliot, I have a D of E practice walk and I’m going to a Foyles event in London. Also Valentine’s Day, which I’m hopefully going to be spending with my friends.

My friends Anna, Nicola and I have a project in the works at the moment, but more on that later!

What’s been on my mind?

My subjects, the future, trying to improve my poetry. I’ve been revising a lot of my poems to add more meaning to them and make them read better.

Favourite blogger/vlogger?

I have hardly watched any YouTube this month as I’ve been watching FRIENDS again (I have nearly finished watching the entire show again).  However, I have been loving Nia from The Cardiff Cwtch. I obviously love supporting my fellow Welsh bloggers, but I also love her content! Everyone go check her blog out!

Favourite post?

I have to say either My 2016 or On Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher, both of which I loved reminiscing and appreciating the events of the past years and of two ladies who mean a lot to me.

Biggest inspiration?

The thought of wanting to improve the art I create and the thought of future experiences thanks to my hard work.

However, my biggest inspiration this month has been the major opposition to Trump's presidency, particularly the Women's March. Although I couldn't go, my heart was lifted by the movement and I have to admit I choked up a few times while looking through at the pictures of several of the marches. Hopefully, I'll get to go to a march in March.

Any other favourites?

As I said before, I’ve nearly finished watching FRIENDS again! I have also been loving a load of hand creams at the moment since I was given a lot of them for Christmas, all of which smell amazing!

If you liked this post you might like: December 2016 | Monthly Wrap Up

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