Wednesday, 31 August 2016

August 2016 | Monthly Wrap Up

I don't even know what August has been. A bit of a mess I suppose.

Favourite part?

Surely it must have been my family holiday in Croatia: a stunning place, perfect for relaxing and exploring. 

Best read?

Ooh, this one’s going to be hard as I’ve read lots of books this month. Out of all of them, I think I’d say In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. I was captured by it completely! However, I also read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler, This Modern Love by Will Darbyshire and Wicked by Gregory Maguire. 

Favourite tunes?

I’ve been obsessed with ABBA and Rumours by Fleetwood Mac this month. However, I’ve already posted something about my summer music obsessions, so if you want to know more click here to read it!

What did I learn?

Does realising that I’m actually growing up count? I’m not freaking out about it as much as I have been. Progress!

What’s happening next month?

12 days free then I start college. Bring on A Levels! Before that, though, Katie and I are going to Bath on the 1st and I’m sure I’ll do some other things before going to college.

What’s been on my mind?

Results for the most part. Either that or one of the books I’ve been reading or finding time to seem friends. 

Favourite blogger/vlogger?

While I was away I obviously didn’t get much chance to watch many YouTube videos or read many blog posts. So I’ve been watching some of my old favourites: Carrie Fletcher, Dodie Clark, Hannah Witton etc. Some of my favourite bloggers have been my TOE girls, who have been amazing friends this month. Also a shoutout to Whitney’s snapchats - the best!

Favourite post?

A Day in the Life | 30 July 2016; it was something different and I really enjoyed writing it and it felt really honest. Also, I really like Je Suis Epuisée. I love sharing my poetry with you guys.

Biggest inspiration?

Difficult. I’ve been reading lots of blog posts about improving my writing and being more productive in a day and I really want to start getting more accomplished, particularly in regards to my novel. I really want to complete it and finish my characters’ story arcs but then I stop writing it and focus on something else, which really isn’t good for productivity!

Any other favourites?

Monster Munch oh my god. I’ve probably eaten way too many lately. TV-wise, my family and I have just started watching the second series of The Flash and have now finished FRIENDS. That was a sad time. Ooh, I bought this denim skirt at the end of July too, which I’ve been wearing almost constantly (apart from my holiday). I’m practically attached to it.

If you liked this post you might like: July 2016 | Monthly Wrap Up

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