Friday, 5 August 2016

5 Ways to Spend Your Day Off

Whenever we’re lucky enough to have a spare day with no work, no school, nothing that needs to be, no responsibilities. Everyone’s dream day. As they only seem to come once in a blue moon, we often feel at a loss as what to do with them, so end up staying in our pyjamas all day, lounging around the house probably binge watching some TV show or other. Here are 5 things you could otherwise be doing on your day off.

1. Bake something

I love baking and I know loads of other people who do too, so why not have a go? Maybe try a more basic Victoria Sponge or have a go at making some cookies. The major plus with this one is that you get to eat a load of cake/cookies afterwards! You’ve got to love that.


2. Grab a book

Catch up on all those books you’ve been steadily collecting - the ones that have been left lonely on the shelf and make you feel guilty every time you walk past them without picking them up. Tick something off you ever-growing TBR pile and delve into a new world of fact or fiction or somewhere in between.

If you want to get out of the house you could visit your local library. Libraries are always in need of use and they’re often full of great books you otherwise wouldn’t have picked up. Some of them have DVDs and CDs too. They can provide a really nice place for you to go if you want to just chill, as well as being a great working environment.

3. Catch up on blog posts

If you’re a blogger, there’s always stuff to do. Write a post, promote a post. Whatever you want. Or, you could catch up on what’s been going on in the community. Read new posts by your favourite bloggers and by bloggers you’ve just discovered. Find out who’s started blogging recently and go give them support. God knows we all need some support sometimes.

4. Go shopping

If you’re always pressed for time you may have to do some dash essential shopping to keep things up to date and in order. Take your time instead. Yes, get the essentials, but also maybe have a browse at some other stuff, even if you don’t buy anything extra. A bit of window shopping never did any harm!

5. Pamper yourself

Do whatever it is that makes you feel great. Whether that’s doing your nails, having a bath, treating your hair, eating your favourite comfort food. Make this day about you and forget about everything else in your life. Sounds great to me!


Or, you know, you could just sleep in and stay in your pyjamas all day. Your call.

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