Friday, 18 December 2015

5 things I have learnt this week

1. That no one can think straight at the end of term - especially Year 11s!

Over the past few days I have noticed myself and my peers making even more silly mistakes than we normally do. This is primarily down to our workload either coming to a slight decrease or multiple deadlines looming in front of us. This afternoon it'll all be over... for 2 weeks at least.

2. That I overwork myself a hell of a lot!

Seriously, Jemima, relax and take a break. You can’t do everything all at once. Your head can’t cope with it.

3. Northanger Abbey is pretty fantastic.

I have listened to the audiobook of Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey a few times this week and it’s fair to say Austen never disappoints! Admittedly it was an abridged version, but I still love and hate the characters in the way I would expect from an Austen novel. Also happy 240th birthday to Jane Austen for Wednesday! 

4. Shopping on your own and just doing things on your own can be really rewarding and relaxing mentally.

On Sunday I went Christmas shopping in my local shopping centre. By going on my own I could take things at my own pace and decide where and when I wanted to go - I didn’t have to follow with anyone else’s thoughts and preferences, which, while it sounds a bit ignorant, is actually great. I actually loved sitting by myself as I had my food and felt revitalised with the company of myself (even if there were hundreds of other shoppers around me).

5. Lavender definitely makes you more sleepy!

When I went shopping, I bought some lavender pillows to be in my bedroom - particularly on my bed. Since having them there I have slept better, and with my busy timetable of GCSEs and thinking of the future, any better sleep is a true blessing to me!

What have you learnt this week?

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