Having grown up in a county known for its fantastic beaches I became accustomed to a beach nearby. They were the backdrop to many memories and events from my childhood. From leaving primary school, to leaving the country, the beach was always there, so it therefore brings back a huge mixed bag of feelings and memories. But no matter what I'll always associate the beach with home - even if it's a beach in Australia it will probably still remind me of my favourite beaches in Wales.
The beach is my happy place, I suppose. All previous worries that I may have had seem to disappear when I'm on the beach. All that really matters to me is the book I have with me, my friends or family I am with and my current surroundings.
I just feel a lot more relaxed and happy when I'm down by the sea, no matter where it is and I'm thankful that I come from a place that is has amble amounts of sandy coast for me, and many others, to enjoy.
So you know my happy place, where's yours?
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