Tomorrow is such a weird place. It’s a day
that could hold anything and is always there, yet we can never really reach it
- a bit odd when you think about it, but still rather fantastic. Tomorrow could
be the end of mankind for all we know, but it could also bring something truly
amazing into our lives.
Tomorrow you could be a completely
different person to the one you are now. Tomorrow you could take up dance, or
football, or rugby, or running, or any sort of sport that you want to. Tomorrow
could be the day that you start a healthier way of living and find that you
love it.
Tomorrow could be the day that you discover
your passion; that one something that adds a special spark to your life. You
could find that you’re a talented artist, writer, or musician. But hey! Who
actually cares if you’re not naturally talented at something? If you work hard
at it and enjoy it then you’ll be great.
Tomorrow you could help out a cause that
you hadn’t known existed before then.
Tomorrow you could change the way you
dress completely, for the fun of it.
Tomorrow you could start a new part of
your education and it will be fine - maybe starting secondary school, your a levels, or university. You’ll find that most of your worries were
over nothing, though sometimes that needs a little longer than a day to sink
Tomorrow you could meet the person you will
become your best friend. You could meet some people who inspire you in a
particular way – whether it’s to be the best version of yourself you can be or
to strive to complete a specific task that you have wanted to finish for god
knows how long. Tomorrow you could meet the love of your life and maybe not
even realise it.
Tomorrow you could change the world for the
better; you could make the difference that you know needs to happen. Tomorrow could be the day you decide you’re
worth it and that you can do it.
Everything and anything is possible in the
tomorrow, but we really have to act in the present, today, so that we know that
tomorrow will hold something good. While tomorrow could be the best day in your
life, you can’t count on it being so and can’t just rely on everything
happening then. You have to work to make sure that your tomorrow is a good
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