Wednesday, 3 June 2020

May 2020 | Monthly Wrap Up

May, you came and went incredibly quickly. Like, seriously. 

Favourite part?

I don’t feel like I can talk about this month without talking about George Floyd, the protests and discussions that are going on around Black Lives Matter globally. Things need to change. I know this isn’t a very big platform, but it’s still some kind of platform and I need to use that in whatever way I can. Please, sign as many petitions you can, literally any you come across; if you’re able to, donate to organisations doing great work as part of the movement, and educate yourself on race, colonialism and police brutality no matter where you are in the world. Myself and some other committee members of Newcastle Feminist Society have put together a resource of petitions, placesto donate as well as lots of other educational materials (linked here). I hope it’s useful and that we can all make a difference. Black people should not be dying.

I honestly don’t know what my favourite part of this month has been. It’s not like I’ve physically done a lot. I’ve been working towards finishing the last of my uni essays for the year. 8,000 words written (and one fully researched and planned) in May. Now those are done and I’m not really sure what to do with myself!

This month I was also elected as Vice President for my uni’s Feminist Society. I was o the committee last year as Social Media Secretary and am still running our social media for the time being as we don’t have a social media sec at the moment. I’m really looking forward to what next year holds for FemSoc. 

I’ve baked less this month, but want to do that more next month. My cat has been everywhere, mostly waking me up well before my alarm every morning by scrabbling at my door. I’m surprised she hasn’t worn it away by now. I’m trying to get back into yoga and to start meditating once a week. And I want to emphasise the trying in that sentence.

Best read?

As you would expect, I’ve done a lot of reading for uni this month, including Ashis Nandy’s The Intimate Enemy, Herbert Marcuse’s One-Dimensional Man and Season of Migration to the North by Tayeb Salih (I do still want to finish this last book, even though I wrote a 3,000 word essay on it having read only half of it). 

In non-uni related reading, I read The Suffragettes, one of Penguin’s Mini Classics which compiled articles, speeches, government documents, posters, and more about the Suffragettes and women gaining franchise in 1918 and 1928. I also read Daisy Jones & the Six, which is so worth the hype! I read it really quickly and just loved the characters. I’m currently reading Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. I absolutely adore the TV series and I am loving the book, it’s so funny and clever. I can’t wait to read more.

Favourite tunes?

I’ve not really been listening to much music this month, but, as usual, what I have listened to has been a lot of Taylor Swift. Come on. You’ve got to stan.

Favourite watch?

In times of crisis, I binge watch. 

I started the month by watching Good Omens (for the second time), Killing Eve, Ghosts (again for the second time) and New Girl. I’ve also been taking full advantage of Disney+, watching Night at the Museum,101 Dalmatians, Maleficent and Moana. I also watched Colette, rewatched Outnumbered (I don’t know how many times I’ve seen it now) and watched all of the Ocean films (8, 11, 12 and 13).

Photo credit

What did I learn?

I need to take care of myself better. Although that’s not entirely new. 

What’s happening next month?

No idea. Not much frankly. I no longer have uni, so I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to do with my social distancing days. I have some videos to film, blog posts to write (lots are already written and I’m very excited to be writing more on here again!). I got a beginner’s crochet kit, so I’m going to try and make a giraffe. My life is wild. 

What’s been on my mind?

A lot of shit I’m not going to talk about here. My brain is full and I need it not to be. 

Favourite blogger/vlogger?

I’ve actually watched a load of Daniel J. Layton, Jack Howard and Hazel Hayes’ old videos this month. I’m not 100% sure why, as I’ve seen most of them before, but I think it’s kind of a comfort thing. Either way, reall enjoying have a good rewatch. 

Favourite post?

Seeing as it’s my only other post this month, A Guide to Eco-friendly Toiletries. Even though it has been my only post this month, I am genuinely proud of it. It’s had such good reception and engagement and hopefully it’s been useful to many people. It’s also been a great opportunity for me to find new places to buy sustainable toiletries. I’ve had some inspiration in terms of content ideas lately and I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone thinks about the posts I’ve got coming up. 

Biggest inspiration?

May hasn’t really felt very inspirational. Inspiration has come from seeing people want to change and improve the world, from books, having new ideas for blog posts and events. There’s a lot to be sad and frustrated by so anything good I’m trying to cling onto. 

Any other favourites?

Kind of random, but I got a new pair of snazzy underwear this month from Brighton Lace. They’re my first ethical and sustainable new purchase (i.e. not secondhand) and I love them. They’re so pretty and make me feel great, and I absolutely love Brighton Lace as a company. 

If you liked this post you might like: March and April 2020 | Monthly Wrap Up


  1. That underwear looks super cute! I hope the quality on it is good and it lasts you a while. Great post!

    Ashleigh |

    1. Thank you! I'm obsessed with them. Really hoping they last.

      Jemima x
