Friday, 20 January 2017

5 New Books on my Shelf

After Christmas and a good book buying spree, I have a fair few new books on my TBR pile. Here are five of them:

1. Elements of Eloquence by Mark Forsyth

I’ve seen various posts about this on Pinterest, using some of the techniques described by Forsyth and I just wanted to learn more. I also saw it in a few of Leena Norms’ videos and, I think, somewhere else on YouTube but I forget. I honestly have been looking forward to reading for this for so long, it was actually one of the two things I actually asked to have for Christmas. Hopefully, this will help improve my writing and understanding of various techniques, which will be useful as I’m starting to edit my novel now.

2. A Christmas Party by Georgette Heyer

I was given this book for Christmas and it’s a mystery set at a Christmas party (bet you couldn’t guess that!). The blurb reminded me a lot of Cluedo (maybe because we had played that the day before), but I can’t wait to read this – I do love a good murder mystery!

3. The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher

I have been a fan of Carrie Fisher for a while. I love her in Star Wars, having grown up watching it a lot because my dad happens to be a massive fan, I love her in When Harry Met Sally and I have more recently grown to love her through her interviews and TV appearances I found on YouTube. I was planning to buy this book as soon as it came out but was waiting until I had some more money. Needless to say, I was really saddened on hearing of her death and I’m so glad to now have this on my shelves.

4. The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger

I’ve heard a lot about this book, and I know it’s a classic. I don’t actually know what it’s about but it’s just always intrigued me whenever I’ve seen it mentioned anywhere.

5. Everyman’s Poetry by Emily Dickenson

I want to read as much poetry as I can (I’m kind of craving it) and I know that one of my friends likes Emily Dickenson and that she is regarded as one of the ‘key’ poets. I’ve read a few already and I love them – hopefully the rest are equally as good!

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