Monday, 1 August 2016

London Book Haul

If you’ve seen my last post then you’ll know that I spent 3 days in London with my nan. Almost as soon as we got there, we headed for Foyles - the world famous family bookshop, established 1903, on Charing Cross Road and one of my favourite places in London. There I picked up 3 books and then received a fourth book free as I had a London Pass. And because I know you guys are all as nosy as me, I thought you’d like to know what I bought!

1. The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler

I’ve heard a lot about this play. I first heard of it from The Banging Book Club when it was read and reviewed by Hannah Witton, Lucy Moon and Leena Norms and, from what they said, it looked great. As soon as I saw it on a shelf in Foyles, I knew I had to pick it up. I spent a while reading the introduction and first little bit before reminding myself that I shouldn’t read the whole thing in the shop! I can’t wait to read this properly!

2. Honourable Friends? by Caroline Lucas

In Foyles, they had a whole section dedicated to politics. As soon as I saw it I got way overexcited and spent ages flicking through practically all the books they had there. (There was one book on the Coalition that I read for a while and was really interesting, so don’t be surprised if you see that in a future post because I’m sure to buy it sometime soon!) I chose to get this book out of all the ones that were available as it seems to cover so much and from the perspective of the first Green MP who also is female. Her experiences would be very different to other politicians.

3. What Matters in Jane Austen? by John Mullan

You can understand that as soon as I saw the title of this book, I grabbed it and started to look like a bit of a crazy woman. This book is surely a gold mine for any devout Janeite, such as myself, as it discusses questions that are prompted by Jane Austen’s novels. Chapters include: How Much Does Age Matter? What Makes A Character Blush? How Experimental A Novelist Is Jane Austen? Is There Any Sex In Jane Austen? How Much Money Is Enough? The thought of this book fills me with so much genuine excitement I can’t even explain!

4. London Unfurled by Matteo Pericoli

I received this book free as I had a London Pass on 2 days of my trip. It’s basically a drawing of London that folds out to be 25ft long. It has drawings of both sides of the Thames river on either side of the paper. It’s quite impressive actually and it’s really interesting looking at the different buildings and bridges to see which ones you know and which ones you don’t.


This is my 150th post on Another Ranting Reader! What?!

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