Friday 16 October 2015

5 things I love about Autumn

1. Cold Weather = Cosy Jumpers!

I get cold quite easily and I seem to be forever complaining about the temperature - I’m never satisfied. However, feeling all snuggly and warm in an oversized jumper is one of my favourite things. I’ve got loads of fluffy and cuddly jumpers, and if one of mine isn’t what I am in need of, then I borrow one of my dad’s. Borrowed clothes always seem better than your own, right?

2. Autumn Colours!

Browns, greys, reds, oranges… I just love the colours that come with autumn! The whole season is like some drawn out live action mood board.

3. Seasonal Tea Favourites!

Each year I seem to binge drink a certain tea for the entire autumn, and for the majority of the winter too. Last year it was vanilla and redbush (black ,no sugar), however this year I am finding my love for Earl Grey (the situation on milk and sugar is the same) has grown as the weather has grown colder.

4. Candles Candles Candles

I seem to get more and more obsessed with candles and all the other little scented melt-things you can get. One of my favourite autumn scents is cinnamon, and it has made a regular appearance almost every year. I just love the way I can leave my room for a second and then return to a room warmed from a scent that dances up my nostrils. It creates a cosy atmosphere that I cannot help but associate with autumn.

5. The Fireplace Coming Out of Hibernation! 

One of my absolute favourite things to do is curling up by the fire, listening to the logs crackle as they burn, a book open on my lap and a cup of tea steaming by my side. Something so simplistic, yet so calming.

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