New year, more essays.
Favourite part?
To be honest, I’ve spent more time at home than in uni this month. The first week I spent researching for and writing an essay for one of my English modules, then the second trying (and failing) to revise for an English exam. That certainly wasn’t helped by the fact that I was ill. It was a fun weekend.
The day of my exam was actually pretty good. I had it first thing in the morning so I had the rest of the day to myself. First of all, it was great when I walked out as it had snowed and everywhere looked really pretty when I was walking back to my flat. I took myself out for lunch at Yo! Sushi, then after some packing went to the cinema by myself for the first (and not the last) time.
The following weekend I went to visit my friend Liz in London. On the Saturday we went to the Bread and Roses Women’s March, and heard both Munroe Bergdof and Helen Pankhurst speak in Trafalgar Sqaure. We then went and got donuts from a place in Soho and had a browse in Foyles, where I bought 2 books – a poetry book by Kate Miller (always look in the sale) and Claudine in School by Colette. In the evening we went to Temple of Seitan in Hackney, and boy does that place deserve its reputation. Potentially the best vegan mac and cheese I've ever had.
I then went home for a week before I started uni again. I saw a couple of friends, had lots of cuddles with my cat, read, wrote a couple of blog posts, and watched several series of the The Office.
I then returned to Newcastle just in time for semester 2 to start. Yesterday, I saw Maisie Williams give a talk and a Q and A at the Student Union, which was super cool as I’m a major Game of Thrones fan. As for now, I’m just getting back into the swing of things and trying not to get too overwhelmed by all the reading I’ve got to do.
Best read?
I have spent a lot of time reading this month, and that’s not something I’m going to complain. With my annual goal at 70 books, I wanted to try and get a head start. I’m going to publish a couple of round-up blog posts of my reading at the end of the year, this section is going to be a bit briefer this year.
First of all, I read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? By Philip K. Dick as part of research for my essay on Blade Runner (if you’re thinking of reading it, don’t bother).
Then, I read What the Trump?!: A Sane Person’s Guide to Surviving in the Age of Trump by Steven S. Stevens (love his name), as something to give me a bit of a pick me up when I was bored of revision. I started reading The Elements of Eloquence by Mark Forsyth to help with my revision. I only got through half of it, so I’m planning on finishing that in February.
After that, I read Their Finest Hour and a Half by Lissa Evans (which is the basis of one of my favourite films) and Devotion by Patti Smith on the weekend I went to visit Liz.
When I got home I read Inferior by Angela Saini, which discusses the gender bias within science and academic study as well as the question of the truth in sex difference. It’s very interesting and would highly recommend. I also reread This Modern Love by Will Darbyshire, and started reading Claudine at School by Colette, which I bought in Foyles part way through the month.
The first book I’m studying during my English module for this semester is Beowulf, which I’m aiming to finish the day that this post should be up.
Favourite tunes?
Since hearing the title song on Sex Education, I’ve loved listening to Chip Taylor & The New Ukrainians’ album F**k All The Perfect People, particularly while I’m reading.
Favourite watch?
I’ve actually been to the cinema three times this month. My flatmate and I first went to see The Favourite at the Tyneside cinema. I then went back the next day after my exam to see Colette. I loved both, and whilst I think that The Favourite is incredible in so many ways, I think that Colette is more something that I would watch curled up in bed of an evening. I then went to see The Favourite again with my mum when I went home.
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TV wise, I watched all of Crazy Ex Girlfriend (including many video essays on it) and Sex Education. Both of these shows are amazing and groundbreaking in several ways and if you haven’t seen them then you should put them next on your to-watch list.
I also watched most of The Office (the US version) and cried several times.
What did I learn?
What’s happening next month?
So far, the only plans I have are to go home for about a day and a half to see my brother in his school’s musical. Apart from that, it’s the same old same old.
What’s been on my mind?
I don’t even know. Jim and Pam Halpert’s relationship mostly.
Favourite blogger/vlogger?
Leena Norms and Hannah Witton’s videos have been great this month. I know that may not seem out of the ordinary as they are two of my favourite YouTubers, but I seriously think their content is amazing right now.
Favourite post?
Probably My Goals for 2019. I love planning and setting out my ambitions, and trying new ways to make myself a better person (hopefully). Maybe I live in the future too much. That’s not such a bad thing in moderation I suppose.
Biggest inspiration?
During the beginning of the month, getting through deadlines and exams.
Then later, the freedom of the fact that I had literally nothing I needed to do, apart from the things I love, all without any pressure.
In the past few days I’ve had a bit more excitement at starting my new modules. Well, excited and a tad intimidated at the amount of reading I have to do. It’s time to learn something new people!
Any other favourites?
All the new vegan food which came out in the new year. I’ve tried the M&S lasagne and their tikka masala – both absolutely lush. I would also highly recommend Caffe Nero’s new sundried tomato, spinach, pesto and mozzarella toastie. It also took me a while, but I finally managed to get a Gregg’s vegan sausage roll in the last few days of January and it was everything I’d ever dreamed of. Absolutely fantastic.
If you liked this post you might like: November/December 2018 | Monthly Wrap Up
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