November’s actually been great, despite a certain orange-faced American man with rat-like hair. Apart from him, it’s been good.
Favourite part?
Meals/days out for two of my friends’ birthdays were both great. I honestly felt so happy on both of those days. I’ve spent a lot of time with friends this month, I love them all so much, it’s great.
In the evening after the day out, I finished my first novel (the first draft, that is…) and I have honestly never had a feeling like that before. I have now written a novel. A full story. It’s done. I’d been working on it for roughly a year and seven months and I’m currently taking a break away from it for a few weeks before I start to edit.
I also saw Fantastic Beasts!! Harry Potter means so much and I couldn’t control myself when I was in the cinema. I definitely cried a bit too much that is probably seen as normal. Ah well…
I also entered my first poetry competition. Fingers crossed, but I’m not expecting anything.
Best read?
I haven’t read much in November, I’m not going to lie there. Most of this month has been spent either writing my novel or doing college work. However, I have read Carrie Hope Fletcher’s recent novella, Winters’ Snow, which I thought was charming! I have also read most of The Odyssey, for my Classics course, ready for us to start studying it in class in December.
Favourite tunes?
I’ve been listening to loads of Taylor Swift this month! Mostly, Ours, Mean, Story of Us and Back to December. She and Dodie have been on almost constantly. I’m loving the music Dodie is making recently. I have been a fan of hers for ages and it’s amazing seeing her grow and become recognized. Unfortunately, I didn’t get tickets to see her on tour, but I can keep an eye out for more shows!
What did I learn?
That finding the time to write is just about putting pen to paper more than anything else, instead of worrying about when you’re going to write.
What’s happening next month?
The obvious, Christmas. I break up from college quite early, so have most of the month to myself. I’m going to London with my friends to shop and see Wicked, which I’m so excited for! Star Wars: Rogue One is out too – can’t wait!
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What’s been on my mind?
My novel!! I worked so hard on it this month and any time not spent writing, was spent thinking of and missing my characters.
Favourite blogger/vlogger?
I’ve watched lots of writing-related videos this month along with my usual faves of Hazel Hayes, Dodie Clark, the Fletchers and Daniel J Layton.
Favourite post?
Some of my posts have been a bit thin on the ground lately, as I’d scheduled a load that I had written in late September/October and then hit a slump in blog post writing. But I am determined to start posting more regularly now! I’ve really enjoyed writing more feminist posts this month, I really have. I’ve also talked a lot about writing, in the Writing Tag (which my friend Anna did a response to), and Write. | A Poem. I’ll definitely be trying to do more opinion and writing posts in the future.
Biggest inspiration?
While I wasn’t traditionally taking part in NaNoWriMo, it did help boost me along with the project I was already working on.
Any other favourites?
Strictly, as per usual for this time of the year! My family watched the Dad’s Army film for the first time this month and we’ve now watched it about 5 times! It’s hilarious and so nostalgic of the series.
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