November has just been deadlines. They take over everything.
Favourite part?
Getting all my deadlines done?! Well, to be honest that was at 11:30 at night and I went and made myself toast and went to bed straight after. The simplest things are sometimes the best!

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I’ve done lots of planning and carrying out various different sessions and events for NEST and ongoing things for FemSoc – including a film night, an 80s Mixer Fundraiser among others. The ones that have happened seem to have gone well, and each one if definitely a learning curve.
This month I’ve been trying to get myself back into yoga. I was so on it in the first half of the year, but during summer and since I’ve been back at uni it’s just kind of dropped off my daily routine. My room is slightly too small for it at the moment so I’ve been making more of an effort to go to classes and I’m going to use the lounge for yoga (let’s hope my housemates don’t mind!). I can see how much it helps me, both physically and mentally, so it’s definitely a self-care priority at the moment. I’ve also been to more netball sessions with my course society team, and that’s super fun to just give it a go even though I’m by far not the best netball player there is.
One week I ended up going to 4 different protests. The first against a racist incident on campus, another for democracy in Hong Kong, the next with Reclaim the Night which had a post-march panel which was really interesting, and then I’ve been on the UCU picket lines and at a UCU Strike Social event to support academic staff at my uni. I do love a good protest after all.
Somewhere in all that I’ve managed to have chill evenings with friends, video call friends from home and my family, and somehow ensure that my mental health didn’t make a massive dip. Woop for working self-care mechanisms (not sure what I’m doing right, but obviously something’s working!).
Best read?
Most of what I have read this month has been a shit-ton of journal articles. The best and worst part of my course is that I can go from reading about 18thcentury proto British feminism to 2019 revolutionary Sudan in one afternoon.
Later on for my course, I’m (still) reading the Turkish Embassy Letters by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and Common Sense by Thomas Paine. I’ll finish them soon. I’ve just got to set aside time to finish them.
I finished reading David Nicholls’ Sweet Sorrow whilst waiting for some washing to finish. Overall, I did enjoy the book. Having started it in August, there was a massive gap between reading any of it, but I think if I hadn’t been interrupted by the start of uni I would have enjoyed it much more. It was sweet and a little heartbreaking (as the title would suggest) but in a way that was overall, I think, rather happy. It’s truly about the sweet sorrow of growing up, realizing your parents are actual people, drifting away from childhood friends, etc.
I’m also still reading Why I No Longer Talk to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge, and I’ve started 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World by Elif Shafak, both of which are absolutely brilliant.
Favourite tunes?
This season is Stevie Nicks season and I won’t hear anything different.
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Favourite watch?
I’ve watched a series and a bit of Mad Men, but have kind of given up on it. It was interesting but I don’t know, didn’t really hook me in the same way other shows have. I then rewatched the final series of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, because sometimes you just need to watch one of your faves. That show is like an old friend to me know (as sad as it sounds) and watching it is like having a virtual hug. In some ways it gives me hope.
I’ve also been to the cinema a couple of times this month! I first went to see Judy – the biopic of Judy Garland in the last years of her life. It was incredible. I cried so much. I mean I cry at so many films, but I cried loads at this film. It was utterly heartbreaking in so many ways and I feel like I may need a lot of time before I see it again. If Renee Zellwegger doesn’t at least get nominated for an Oscar then I’ll be raging.
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I then went to see Judy and Punch. Bit of a theme of protagonists called Judy here. Judy and Punch was a story of two puppeteers, inspired by the infamous puppet show Punch and Judy. It was dark, and had some funny moments, and was quite ridiculous at parts, but overall it was a tale of those who had been put down by society and ensuring that the perpetrators of sexual violence and abuse feel the consequences of their actions.
I also watched the new series of The Crown. I’m always skeptical of The Crown for obvious reasons, but as much as I dislike the monarchy I do love the show. The two episodes based in Wales were, for me at least, the best. Although that may just be my Welsh bias. The Aberfan episode had me sobbing from the first shot to well after the credits had ended, and the episode Tywysog Cymru made me cry in a way I haven’t in ages just because of the focus that it gave to Wales. Yes, I may have been a tad hormonal, tired and stressed but ah well. I think I need to head back to Wales soon.
What did I learn?
I need to actually schedule myself breaks otherwise won’t take them. Genuinely, gotta keep on top of that self-care! Also that I can do things. Imposter syndrome has been real this month, so I need to keep telling myself that I am capable, I can do it, and I can do it well.
What’s happening next month?
Obviously, Christmas. But that seems like ages away at the moment. In the first week of the month is the event which I’ve helped organize! It’s an 80s Mixer which is in aid of N.E.S.T. – an organisation you may have seen me talk about before (you will have definitely heard me talk about it if you know me in real life), which does a lot of work with refugees and asylum seekers in the North East. I’m in the minor-panic stage at the moment that it won’t go well, but I’m sure it will! Ask me about it this time next week and hopefully I’ll be able to talk much more happily about it!
I’ll also be sending off my postal vote this week. I think this may be my third vote in the past year?! We love that stable political system. I won’t tell you who to vote for, you’re intelligent people and can do that for yourselves. Just don’t vote Tory!
What’s been on my mind?
The 80s Mixer! Organising an event just consumes you. Also all the topics of my deadlines – colonialism in Sudan, gender reversals in When Harry Met Sally and how irritating Mary Astell is. And just general stressing about the upcoming election. Can you tell it’s been quite a stress month??!
Favourite blogger/vlogger?
Melanie Murphy and Hannah Witton as per usual. To be honest, I haven’t really watched or read much this month. It’s more been TV and films.
Favourite post?
There haven’t been any others. Aahh, I know. It’s been deadline season; I’ll do better in December (hopefully).
Biggest inspiration?
The love I have for some of the things I do. Mostly N.E.S.T. and some of the things we’ve done with Feminist Society, but also with my degree becoming more specialized, being able to research and write about topics I’m really interested in and passionate about.
Any other favourites?
Almond butter on top of porridge. Oof it’s so good. Oh and gram flour pizza! I’ve got the hang of it now and it’s so tasty! I’ve always said this section is really my food favourites…
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