Monday, 31 October 2016

October 2016 | Monthly Wrap Up

October, you babe.

Favourite part?

This month has honestly been great, and that’s been all down to my friends. They and my family made my birthday absolutely amazing and I couldn’t be more grateful. I felt so loved and included and happy. It was an ordinary yet exceptional day. Half term was great, I was productive and saw a lot of people I haven’t seen for a few months, which was lovely. I’ve just generally had a great time this month.

Best read?

This month I’ve read a lot of poetry. When I say a lot, I mean A LOT. I’ve been finding so many poems on YouTube and on Pinterest as well as in poetry books. I read Sylvia Plath’s Ariel and loved it and have started reading Radio 4’s collection of love poems, which has an amazing selection! Another poetry book I started looking at is Maya Angelou’s And Still I Rise. I also read The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood for my English course and started reading Homer’s The Odyssey for Classics.

Favourite tunes?

Tourist by Jon Cozart and Shout Out to My Ex by Little Mix have been playing on repeat this month! I love them both for different reasons but I highly recommend both. (And obviously, I’ve been listening to ABBA as well. How could I not?)

What did I learn?

Friends are great. So are college hash browns.

What’s happening next month?

November… Back into college. Mostly college. It’s my friend Anna’s birthday but apart from that, I can’t really think of anything else.

What’s been on my mind?

New poems and college work. My novel has been on my mind loads and I’ve written way more than my original goal for this month.

Favourite blogger/vlogger?

I have to admit I haven’t been reading many blogs or watching many YouTube videos this month, although in the last few days I have been binging a load of Daniel J. Layton's videos. 

Favourite post?

Me at 17 was so much fun to write and I know will be fun to look back on in the future. I’ve had such a good reception to it as well. Lots of people I know in real life have come up to me and said how much they loved it. Nothing much can beat that. I also really like Rainy Days. It’s a post I’m really proud of and had lots of fun writing.

Biggest inspiration?

The poets I been reading and listening to. My friends and their creativity. I don’t know why but I’ve been feeling really inspired lately and feel like I’m writing more than ever. I can’t quite pin where it’s all coming from but I don’t want it to stop.

Any other favourites?

Victoria finished at the beginning of this month and I can’t wait til the next series comes out. Despite its historical inaccuracies I love it so much! I’ve also been loving the set of Sleek matt liquid lipsticks that my friend Katie got me for my birthday, particularly Birthday Suit, which I’ve been wearing so much lately! My dad and I have been watching Hooten & The Lady, which is so silly but has some great stories and characters - love it!

If you liked this post you might like: September 2016 | Monthly Wrap Up

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