Monday, 18 February 2019

Menstrual Cup FAQs | #ACupaDay

If you hadn’t noticed, I talk a lot about my menstrual cup. I would gladly talk about it with a random stranger if they didn’t run away first. Naturally, this leads to questions from people who haven’t used them, as on the whole, people are naturally inquisitive. I thought that it might be useful if I compile some of them here, fro all the people I won’t be able to talk to in person. 

Are they expensive?

Menstrual cups tend to cost about £25, which can seem daunting for one item (I know it did for me). However, overall you’ll save money as each cup lasts for up to 10 years, so you shouldn’t have to spend any more money on your period other than on pain relief (and chocolate-related food). 

Are they difficult to use?

It took me a little while to get used to it (you can read about my first experience with my menstrual cup here), so don’t worry if you don’t get it right straight away and I know lots of other people have had similar experiences. Just take your time, look at the instructions before you use (another one from personal experience) and relax. I got the hang of it pretty quickly and I’m sure that within no time you’ll be using it in a flash. 

Can you feel it?

If you’ve inserted it properly then you shouldn’t feel anything. I’ve done yoga and not felt it. I tend to feel it a little just once I've put it in, and then it just kind of sinks away as it opens up. During the later days of my period, when I’m a bit lighter and have no/less crams then I can even forget that I’m on my period. 

What about toxic shock?

Menstrual cups are made of medical-grade silicone. This means that, unlike tampons, they don’t absorb anything (i.e. bacteria which causes toxic shock). As long as you clean your cup correctly (rinse and dry when you empty, and boil at the end of your period for about 3 minutes, although each brand will vary), then you should have a healthy vagina!

How do I know when to empty it?

To be honest, you don’t. You just have to figure out what’s best for you. It will last longer than a tampon, so it’s not too often. It is recommended to empty it every 12 hours, but for me, I tend to empty it morning and evening during the first few days then once a day as it gets lighter. It’s probably not the best but I have 

Will it leak?

Again, if you’ve inserted it right, then no, it shouldn’t. The vacuum suction created by the cup when it opens out means that nothing should get over the sides. If you do find you experience some leakage, then check to see whether or not it has unfolded, and if it hasn’t then try and rejig it so that it does, or remove and reinsert.

How long does it last?

It is said that your cup should last up to 10 years. Having been a cup-user for under a year and a half, I am not able to confirm this. Get back to me in 10 years and I can let you know. They do last a bloody long time though, as long as you don’t lose them. Definitely worth the investment. 

I tried a menstrual cup and it doesn’t work for me, can I still have a sustainable period?

Yes, don’t worry about it! I did a whole blog post on sustainable alternatives to menstrual cups, so hopefully you’ll find one there that will suit you.

If you have any other questions, then feel free to ask! Also check out any information which may be provided by the individual brands themselves.

If you liked this post you might like: Sustainable Alternatives to the Menstrual Cup

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had known about these cups when I first started having my periods. I feel like it would been a game changer back then. There are so many benefits to using a cup instead of a pad or tampon. natural remedies for menstrual cramps
