March has gone by in a whirlwind. I hope it’s been worth it!
Favourite part?
To be fair, not much has happened that’s been all that exciting. I’ve just been plodding through mock exams, coursework and tons of revision, so it’s been great when I’ve been able to have a break every now and then!
Oh, and hitting 100 Bloglovin' followers was pretty cool too!
Oh, and hitting 100 Bloglovin' followers was pretty cool too!
Best read?
I actually haven’t finished a book this month - something that’s almost unheard of for me. However, I am part way through reading Caitlin Moran’s Moranthology, which is great and is ideal for anyone without much time on their hands!
Favourite tunes?
Basically anything by Regina Spektor! I just love her! Go and check out her music - it’s brilliant.
What did I learn?
Twitter is a great way of joining in with the blogging community and sourcing traffic and I need to use the library more - both for work and fun!
What’s happening next month?
One week left of the Easter holidays and then I’ve got my first exams. Exciting times.
What’s been on my mind?
Again, exams and trying to be more creative in the time I’ve got.
Favourite blogger/vlogger?
Nicole from Thrifty Vintage Fashion has posted some really great posts this month that cover a wide array of extremely important topics! Also I’m slightly obsessed with - her design is so gorgeous!
Favourite post?
Why We Need to Talk About Our Periods without a doubt - so great to write and the response has been amazing!
Biggest inspiration?
To be honest with you, inspiration’s been a bit thin off the ground lately, but I’m trying my best to find some.
Any other favourites?
Twitter. I’ve had it for about a month (or slightly over that) and I think I’m obsessed. Probably not good with my exams fast approaching…
I’ve also begun to have a real love for poetry - I’ve been writing more and more,reading more and drawing more inspiration from it. I can’t wait to see what this enthusiasm produces!
This month I’ve been rather obsessed with Lucy Worsely’s history documentaries. She’s done them on a wide variety of topics and I love them! I’ve been particularly interested in the Romanovs and British romance (which also happened to talk about Jane Austen, which was brilliant for me!).
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