About a year ago, one of my best friends
managed to get hold of 2 tickets to see 5 Seconds of Summer in Cardiff. As I
had not been able to acquire some myself (and they’re my favourite band), she
offered me one of them and, of course, I jumped at the chance.
Yesterday, my mum and I drove up to Cardiff, where we met up with my
friend and her mum (who just happens to be one of my mum’s best friends too).
Because of our move, we don’t get to see them as much as we would like, and
this trip provided a great opportunity for us to see them – a meet-up that had
been planned before we even knew that we would be moving.
So we had arrived. Exactly year after we had seen them perform as a
supporting act for One Direction (back in the Zayn Malik days). We were outside
the arena, in amongst the queue that snaked around the outside of the building.
We were feet from the concert, minutes away from when it would start. We had
our tickets ready, and our phones with as much battery as possible. We found
our seats and we were there.
It’s far to say that we were excited. Well maybe excited doesn’t cover
it. Ecstatic? Euphoric? We were pretty damn excited I can tell you that.
After we happily sung our way through Hey Violet’s performance (they
were amazing, check them out on YouTube) we sat, trembling on the edge of our
seats, awaiting for 5sos to take centre stage. And when they did they were
phenomenal. Absolutely phenomenal. It was such a good night – so god in fact
that I don’t think I would be able to describe it to you, even if I tried. Our throats may have been hoarse and our legs may have ached - but it was a brilliant night that I won't forget.
Those who dismiss them as “just another boy band” forget the true talent
they have; that talent becomes so much clearer when you listen to them perform
Have you ever been to a 5SOS concert? If so, tell me about your experience in the comments.
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